Hi All we are booked and starting to plan our Europe section of the trip, starting in Frankfurt heading to France and Spain (maybe Portugal -depending on time)
We have booked a motorhome for 10 weeks (70days) now that we are planning this section 10 weeks is just not enough time to see all the places we had hoped to see ? !!!!!!
Then we still have to plan out the UK part - we will book accomodation in York for 2 weeks and use that as a base to do our day trips from
On the home front we are still trying to keep the garden in good condition, and adding more drainage to help the garage when there is heavy rain
Still sorting through the bills and have updated the internet capacity (that bits for Emma)
We are making long lists to keep us on track
best from Dorothy
WOW, sounds great fun, will keep my eye on this blog to follow your progress. Even the planning is interetsing to me as I have no idea how to do it all.