Tuesday, May 3, 2011

1066 and all that

Hello all you followers of our blog, heres a somewhat tongue in cheek blog for today

Last week we visited the French sea side town of St Valery sur Mer. Now we all know of the rivalry over centuries between the pomms and the frogs (English and French).

 In the sleepy little sea side town of St Valery in the depressed province of Picardie, France  there is a quite new marker stone to commerate William the Conquerer.

However did the jpoint English/French projects of the Concorde and the Channel Tunnel get to happen????
Should we be worried in June when we travel on Eurostar!

Apparently William departed from the very port of St Valery to conquer the English in 1066. This is all in French of course but quite legible. Underneath on white stone is a longer text in English which has been allowed to deteriorate by the weather to the point that we could not read it!

We thought that the French may have got over Trafalgar. Well it appears that things go further back, much further as we found as we enjoyed the "promenade" along the waterfront in St Valery.

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