Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Alhambra, Granada Spain
Apologies for the delay in posting new blogs, we have not had good internet connections to upload the photos. So here is one we prepared earlier!

Alhambra (Photo 278)
We visited Granada in Spain to see the Alhambra palace and grounds. The Moors from North Africa (first ruler Mohammad I al-Ahmar) commenced building the Alhambra in 1238.

Alhambra Palace from Generalife gardens (Photo 267)
Later Moor rulers built a palace on the Sabika hill above Granada in three separate periods from 1314 to 1391.

City of Granada from Alhambra (Photo 281)
The Moors colonised much of present day Spain. The building influence they left is epitomised by the Alhambra palaces. The Moorish influence is still left in the palaces and the Alcazabra fort. The fort is one of the oldest parts of the Alhambra

Alcabraz Fort (Photo 282)
The Alhambra has been re-built and added on by all the Christian rulers of Granada and Spain after the Moors were driven out on 2 Jan 1492. The Generalife was added by the Catholic Kings of Granada as a recreation area. Charles I (1500 to 1558) commenced construction of the Generalife palace. 

The Generalife – entrance walkway (Photo 266)
The extensive gardens are well presented and colourful.  The variety of roses is amazing in the various garden beds especially the long narrow walk way towards the Generalife.

The Generalife – Court of the water channel (Photo 274)
The court of the water channel is on the list of items not to be missed.
Some of the original frescos remain in areas protected from the weather (and tourists over the years!)

Generalife Frescos (Photo 270 )
The Alhambra is very popular with tourists, even this early in the season. Two of the five parking areas were full on the day in late May when Dorothy and Gary visited the site. Specialised parking was available for buses, caravans and motorhomes, but the parking cost more than our two admission tickets together!

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