Sunday, March 27, 2011

Berlin News

We are enjoying the cool Berlin weather.  Have spent today walking and taking trains to Schloss Charlotte (palace).  After a hot Chocolate and cake in a local cafe we caught the ring train towards our hotel (Gary's short cut) . . . but the train turned into a bus , due to track work, whilst waiting for the bus we encountered what I thought was rain, but it was white stuff, sleet.  So we quickly returned to the train station and caught a different train making our way back to the hotel.  After a rest we have returned to the main railway station (Hauptbanhof) to find an internet kiosk that works eg computer is in english.  Also has all the main takeaway food outlets plus some nice cafes.
OK for the moment tomorrow will be more tourist places to visit with Gary planning the train routes


  1. Hey Dorothy
    Great to see you are in Berlin. Eleanor spent a few days there and said it was terrific and very cheap. She was into fashion, galleries and parties and missed her plane out but that's another story. Have you got the van yet? What's the coffee like? I really miss Oz coffee.
    It's b. cold here too! but sun was out today. I love the progression of photos. This is real travelling! Well, happy days. Alana

  2. Good to hear from you. Donot know about the coffee but the hot chocolates are great! We had some in a cake shop one cold afternoon and did not want to leave to go back tot he hotel.
    Pick up the van next Friday
